Friday, February 1, 2013

10 things i know to be true.

life is full of obstacles and you are going to go through a lot of them. the first obstacle is being born, but trust me there are going to be many more. I don't think you will like tuna cause I don't, I do think you will like chili cheese fries cause I love them. And girls just stay away from them till high school then you can go crazy with them just don't cheat I will be really upset with you. Girlfriend or not you better have good grades or you will not have anything not even a door in your room, I probably wouldn't go that far but you wont have a t.v or a phone. sports will keep you in place with your grades, cause coaches are hard on you.
I love you future son:)

1 comment:

  1. Cute. I like it. I'm surprised you didn't put a few more random and quirky thoughts. You have a very interesting mind. I look forward to reading more.
